Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, október 2010
Afréttari.... kannski ekki besta lausnin
25.10.2010 | 22:52
Doug Wakefield hjá Best Minds inc. birti 30. apríl á ţessu ári, grein ţar sem hann fjallar um ţćr efnahagslegu ţrengingar sem Bandaríkin eru stödd í, á gagngrýnin og raunsćan hátt.
Doug er afbragđs penni, húmoristi og hefur góđa ţekkingu á fjármálasögunni sem geri ţađ ađ verkum ađ ţađ er ţeim mun áhugaverđara ađ lesa skrif hans. Dćmi um hnyttni hans má finna í lok kaflans: "What the Mind wants to believe", en ţar vísar hann í gamalt orđatiltćki sem segir: "The definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing over and over, and expect a different result " En hér er hann auđvitađ ađ vísa í ţćr ađgerđir sem margir seđlabankar (og ríkisstjórnir) hafa gripiđ til í núverandi ástandi.
Greinina hans má finna hér:
"A Simple, but Painful Lesson"
Bloggar | Breytt 26.10.2010 kl. 09:24 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Skemmtileg málsgrein úr nýjasta fréttablađi Marc Faber..
21.10.2010 | 12:51
Málsgreinin birtist sem grein í "The Daily Reckoning" en er í raun bútur úr mánađarlegu fréttablađi sem Marc Faber gefur út, en ţađ nefnist The Gloom Boom and Doom report.
"Marcus was also very critical of the various financial bailouts (unlike the self-serving and hypocritical Charles Munger). But one point he made was particularly interesting. He said that the business people he talked to had access to credit; that banks were willing to lend them money! But they had no interest in borrowing funds given the current regulatory uncertainties. I should mention that Marcus is the antithesis of economic policy decision makers and academics who imagine themselves to be of infinite delicacy and refinement and suffer from a narrowing of the mind not because they travel, but because they have never in their lives worked in a real business. But, obviously, he knows what he is talking about. (Home Depot now employs over 300,000 people.)"
Bloggar | Breytt 25.10.2010 kl. 23:20 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)